Effects of Technology Usage in our Everyday Life (Final Project)

Kenneth Hargrove
2 min readMay 2, 2021


By: Me and Crystal Nmoh

We thought of creating this project because of our experience during the pandemic. The pandemic made everyone turn to digital entertainment because most of the outside world was closed down. This allowed many people to find enjoyment from the safety of their homes and kept people occupied with something that was fun which took their attention from the negatives of the pandemic. However, it’s not all fun and games when you’re sitting all day long, looking at a screen. It's just not healthy. You even become less productive and miss the opportunity to go outside and get fresh air. With this being known, Crystal and l created a study in which we tracked our usage of technology for two weeks and provided detailed statistics on the time we spent between entertainment, education, social media, and miscellaneous applications on different digital platforms. The first week we tracked how much we use the internet in our daily lives. The second week we attempted to reduce our usage of the internet and tracked the results. Lastly, we show the percentages for both of our two weeks that we tracked. We created an infographic to share this project with you all so I hope you enjoy it! We hope you find this information helpful in having a more balanced life intertwined with technology. If you want to view the infographic for a longer time, click the link on the very bottom where you can scroll through all the pages at your own pace.


