The 13th

Kenneth Hargrove
1 min readMay 31, 2021


The 13th was a really great documentary. Before watching the film I was familiar with the harsh realities of legislative decisions made for the prison and immigration system which affects the BIPOC communities the most. However, this documentary did open my eyes to a lot of decisions leading up to the current prison system we have today. Looking back at how Nixon and Reagan introduced these ideas to our society its clear they had an agenda set forth to hurt communities of color. This system was then privatized which profits off of the backs of again, communities of color. Its crazy how plea bargains were even made because so many people have done nothing wrong but don't have the money to go on trial and hire appropriate lawyers so they take a plea deal so they wont get a lot of time in jail even though they did nothing wrong. This system need to be replaced with something more fair and just for all no matter race or socioeconomic status. Its just really frustrating and sad especially being a young Black male in this society that I have to see others who are similar to me go through this horrible system of injustice and dehumanization. I could say so much more on this topic but its just so sad.

